Gonarezhou National Park

Here are some tips to help you plan your trip:

  1. Best time to visit: The best time to visit Gonarezhou is from April to October, which is the dry season. The temperatures are cooler and the wildlife is more active during this time.
  2. Getting there:
    • Fly: The nearest airport to Gonarezhou is the Buffalo Range Airport, which is located near the town of Chiredzi. There are flights from Harare and Johannesburg to Buffalo Range, and you can then hire a car to the park.
    • Drive: If you’re traveling within Zimbabwe, you can drive to Gonarezhou from major cities such as Harare or Bulawayo. The roads can be rough in some areas, so it’s recommended to hire a 4×4 vehicle. The park can be accessed via the Chipinge-Chiredzi Road, which is in good condition.
  3. Accommodation: There are a few lodges and campsites within the park, as well as some options in nearby towns. Make sure to book in advance, as Gonarezhou can get busy during peak season.
  4. Wildlife: Gonarezhou is known for its large elephant herds, as well as other wildlife such as lions, cheetahs, hyenas, and many species of birds. Be sure to bring a good pair of binoculars and a camera with a zoom lens.
  5. Activities: There are a variety of activities available in Gonarezhou, including game drives, guided walks, and bird watching. The park also offers the opportunity to see the Chilojo Cliffs, a stunning natural landmark.
  6. Health and safety: As with any wilderness area, it’s important to take precautions against malaria and other diseases. Make sure to bring insect repellent and use mosquito nets at night. It’s also important to follow park rules and guidelines, such as not approaching or feeding the wildlife.
  7. Cultural experiences: Gonarezhou is home to several indigenous communities, such as the Shangaan and Venda. Consider incorporating a cultural tour or visit to a local village into your trip to learn more about the area’s history and traditions.

With careful planning and preparation, a trip to Gonarezhou can be an unforgettable wilderness experience.