Nyanga National Park

Nyanga National Park is situated in one of the most scenic areas of Zimbabwe’s Eastern Highlands. Rolling green hills and perennial rivers transverse the 47 000 hectare Park. Altitudes between 1 800 and 2 593 meters provide cool weather and fresh mountain air, perfect for rest and relaxation.


With its stunning mountainous views, numerous waterfalls, varied activities and unique flora and fauna, Nyanga National Park can provide the visitor with an unforgettable holiday experience. The park is located about 268 km from Harare along a well tarred highway.

The mountainous terrain is home to a variety of animals including the mysterious waterbuck, wildebeest, kudu, zebra, impala, sables, eland to mention but a few .The sparkling fresh water rivers are an envelope of fresh water fish such as the Nyanga trout which is a delicacy to many visitors.

Cool temperatures are usual in Nyanga with summer temperature around 26 degrees celcius and winter cold temperatures of -3 degrees celcius .These are complimented by a wet summer.